The center of energy-saving solutions!
Energy Saving Solution DongSung ES
Energy saving solutions company
Energy Saving Solution DongSung ES
Energy saving solutions company
Energy Saving Solution DongSung ES
Energy saving solutions company
By developing steam energy saving device DST Venturi Steam Trap and electric energy saving device Motor Power Load Optimal Control Device (OPC-M), we provide innovative solutions for companies to improve energy efficiency, reduce costs, and reduce carbon emissions, and contribute to the global pursuit of green energy.
The device repeatedly and continuously detects the amount of torque required during each fluctuation in the motor load at a rate of one hundred thousandth of a second and returns the right amount of force to the production, realizing 15-50% electricity savings.
It is a device that removes condensate generated in steam-operated production facilities, steam piping facilities, heat exchangers, etc. and achieves steam energy savings of more than 20% compared to mechanical steam traps by integrating a venturi type body, nozzle, strainer, and brow valve.
Energy savings of 15~50%
Reduced production and maintenance costs 20%
Reduced carbon emissions 10%
2020 .11 .24
Cj Bio Malaysia 스팀트랩 수출계약 성공
Cj Bio Malaysia 스팀트랩 수출계약 성공하였습니다.
2020 .11 .10
K-스마트 그린산단 고 효율 기자재 보..
한국산업술대학교 나노반도체공학과, 한국산업단지공단 경기지역본부 , 한국산업기술원에 주체한 *스마트에너지플랫폼 협동조합이 주최한 K-스마트 그린산단 고 효율 기자재 ..
2020 .11 .06
CJ BIO MALAYSIA 스팀트랩 수출계약 성공!
CJ BIO MALAYSIA 스팀트랩 수출계약 성공!*Total Contract Amount : USD 27,900
2020 .10 .19
노을 그린에너지(주) *OPCM 적용검토 기..
고효율 연료전지 발전시스템 선두주자 노을 그린에너지(주)에서*OPCM 적용검토 기술세미나를 개최하였습니다. (2020.10.14)
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DongSung ES